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Recycling Asphalt makes sense.

Asphalt is a common building material and in Metro Vancouver. Incredibly one roof averages 1.8 tonnes of shingles and the equivalent of 2.4 barrels of oil. Convert shingles to gas and a Prius can drive Vancouver to New York and all the way back to Saskatoon. Moreover, it saves the environment carbon footprint of the new production of gas of almost a quarter tonne of CO emissions. Shingles though can be used for a lot more, everything from roads to playground mats.

Metro Vancouver estimates that there is 100,000 tonnes of asphalt shingles material annually removed from roofs. Currently about twenty percent (20%) of that amount is recycled. Asphalt Gals Recycling seeks to increase that while assisting roofing companies to enhance their bottom line.

Sending all asphalt shingles for recycling enables Asphalt Gals to not only improve the bottom line for companies and ultimately customers, it improves our environment too.